Dear Neighbor, 

I chose Mountain View as my home 18 years ago because of its diverse community and small-town feel. I put down roots and grew my family here because of you, my neighbors. Mountain View is home to families who have been here for generations and to people who come here from all over the world. Together we solve hard problems, both big and small. I am lucky to have taught and volunteered in our public schools and served on the Parks and Recreation Commission. My background in education and city planning led me to run for and win election to the Mountain View Whisman School Board in 2018. 

I am running for city council because I believe family-friendly urban planning and policy benefits not just children and families, but all of Mountain View. I love serving on our public school board, but each day I see where the needs of our children extend beyond the classroom and are tied to our larger community’s well-being. I envision, like many of you, a family-friendly city with thriving neighborhoods, where children can safely navigate our many community resources. 

As a school board trustee, I tackle problems facing our students by learning from stakeholders, building coalitions, and persistently pursuing solutions. When the pandemic hit in 2020, I co-founded the Digital Equity Coalition with trustees from across the County, and we successfully advocated for over $10M to get high-needs families online. I supported our new teacher housing development that will provide 123 units for our public school workforce, opening in 2025. And, I spearheaded a sustainability campaign with my colleagues to reduce our carbon footprint, prepare our students for a changing climate through education, and green our campuses in response to increasing heat.

Mountain View’s community assets make this a wonderful place to live. With my unique perspective as a school board member and parent, my expertise in city planning, and my experience getting policies implemented, I know I can serve our community well. I need your vote and support to realize a family-friendly future for Mountain View.

In partnership,
